Welcome to Hawkridge

High up among the hills of Southern Exmoor lies this charming little village, situated at a junction between ancient ridge roads and once supporting a considerable population, its own school and post office.
We look out across the pale gold expanses of Anstey Common and Molland Moor, crossed with the greens lining the banks of the River Danesbrook and the darker shade of the small forestry plantation – a true English tapestry.
This beautiful landscape is shared with cattle and calves, sheep and lambs every summer, whilst the year round inhabitants include the unique Exmoor pony, the large red deer, the brown hare, buzzards and kestrels.
This country is for those who love walking, riding, cycling amongst hills and visiting tiny villages, churches and the breath-taking cliffs along one of the most striking coasts in the U.K.

Exmoor is Europe’s first International Dark Sky Reserve – and nowhere is less light polluted than Hawkridge – if you discount the single 5w LED bulb in our abandoned telephone box! No street lights – bring a torch or teach yourself to see in the dark, by starlight. Prepare to be amazed when you look up.